👉 Source Changelog:-
- Merged March Security Patch
- Added IDE Lockscreen Clock
- Added Fluid Lockscreen Clock
- Added VoLTE/VoWiFi statusbar icon
- Added Sync QS tile
- Added VPN QS tile
- Added USB Tether QS tile
- Added 3 mode display cutout handler for notch
- Added ability to force full screen apps for notch
- Redesigned Settings Search bar
- Fixed Kill app button in Notification guts
- Fixed App info crash in 3rd party launchers
- Updated preference videos in Settings
- Improved refresh rate switching
- Improved Screenshot shutter sound logi
- Other fixes and improvements

👉 Device Changelog:-
- Removed Xiaomi Parts
- Added Device Parts
- Fix no Sim card after boot
- Fix Slow Charging 
- Update libqcmaputils & libqrtr from LA.UM.9.6.2.r1-03600-89xx.0
- Enable Power save functionality for modem
- Add CNE/DPM blobs from LA.UM.9.6.2.r1-03600-89xx.0
- Many from Zeelog tree
📸 Some Screen shots :-
💬 Downloads :- Pling
👦 Tested by - Me
🔥 Donate me if you like my work 🔥
Upi - erickeagle@jio
👩🏼‍💻 Contacts :-