👉 Source Changelog:-
- Merged February security patch
- Added System integrated App Lock
- Added toggle to hide notification headers
- Added ability to show daily data usage
- Added ringtone setting for Multi SIM device
- Added some missing icon pack overlays
- Added Automated DC Dimming
- Added panels for WiFi/NFC/Bluetooth/Mobile data QS tiles
- Added autorecord feature in AOSP dialer
- Added Face Unlock animation
- Added Extreme indication to Battery Saver Tile
- Added QS tile accent tint
- Added Data Switch QS Tile
- Switched to ShadyQuickStep Launcher
- Removed navbar handle from lockscreen
- Removed Drive/GMail/Maps from GApps builds
- Fixed volume panel arrows in some icon packs
- Fixed Time based dark mode when location is not available
- Other fixes and improvements

👉 Device Changelog:-
-  Initial Build 
📸 Some Screen shots :-
💬 Downloads :- Pling 
👦 Tested by - @Vastrolorde
🔥 Donate me if you like my work 🔥
Upi - erickeagle@jio